
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

First let me tell you that this week has been awesome here in Nicaragua!

Second…let me tell you about it! 

So here in Nicaragua sugar cane is the main crop and a large majority of men work in the fields to be able to support their family. For a unknown reason this has caused almost all of the men to contract a kidney disease. This is a sad reality for almost all of the families in Bethel and other communities all around Nicaragua. This has been continually breaking my heart more and more as i have gotten close to several families who have sick men in them. There is no one in Bethel who isn't affected in someway by this deseise…and young teenage boys whose fathers have passed away from the kidney disease have no way to support their families but work in the fields because the lack of education and importunity here in Nicaragua. 

One particular man we have gotten to know is Felix! He lives on the out side of Bethel with his 3 kids and wife.  His house is literally made of sticks and miscellaneous pieces of metal which obviously isn't ideal for living in Nicaragua during the rainy season or really any kind of weather.  Felix wanted nothing more than to build a new roof so that every time it rains the house dose not flood. He has been wanting to fix it for a while but because of his Kidney disease he is not able to work and afford anything. The family is barely making it by with their one son working in the sugar cane field making the only money the family has. 

Meet felix and his wife and daughter and on the right is one of team mates, Irene!
YES!! look at those SMILES!

Felix is an awesome man of God that has been praying for help for his family for a while now. AND that is where we stepped in. Me and a few others put money together to build his family new roof…not only did we build him a new roof but we built him an entire new house!!…in only a week! I can not take credit for any of it though! God seriously came in made all of this possible! also

…Inside their house were a few cots and stove and that is literally it. so we also went out and bought 4 mattresses so that they can sleep more comfortably. This has seriously been the best week making this family smile and laugh as we have been with them everyday! Felix only has a few weeks to live and i am so happy to say that his family will have a dry and more comfortable place to sleep!  

(working away) shiniest house in all Bethel!

This is the inside of the house…as you can see they don't have much..

The last touch we made to the house was adding on a front door! before we started they didnt even have any walls on the front of the house.. so a front door is a BIG deal! This week has been so encouraging! I am going to miss Felix and his family so much but am so happy that we could impact his life in such a big way while we had time!

Also check out my team mate Christys blog! She talks alot about our week at Felixs house!

2 responses to “Everyone deserves a front door”

  1. Dearest Emma,

    You and your co=workers have made a significant impact on the
    family of Felix and on his creature comforts. God bless you and members of the team that helped to build Felix and his
    family a home that does not leak.
    God works wonders through those who are willing to make
    themselves available. May our Lord continue to bless you, your team and your ministry.

    Love and God bless,

    Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Love that this was on your heart and you got to really meet a need in the community that was tangible and showed so much love. So proud of the way you serve, Emma. Keep seeking Him and the love He has for you!