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let me give you a quick over view of church here in Nicaragua…
the first church service we went to the pastor died right in front of our eyes in the middle of a worship song.
The volume of the music is as loud as it can be plus louder.
the length of each song is anywhere between 8-20 minutes long.
the services range between 2 hours long to 6 hours.
you must stand every time the bible is read, everytime someone prays and for every song. this results in alot of up down up down action. 
every song has the same beat.
i enjoy watching the singers get up to sing there song and the look on their face as they figure out how to sing to the particular beat that the piano player has going. priceless.
most times the pastor is so pasionate he ends up screaming half of his message.
coffee is passed our during the service at around 10 oclock…at night. at 1 when the service is over there is a hot meal prepaired and coke in a bag for everyone.
the language barrier is really awkward especially when you dont know why you are clapping or raising your hand.
i especially love it when you can scream at the top of your lungs and the person sitting next to you wont even realise it because of how loud the music is.
i realise that throughout the service as i clap my hands gradualy get closer and closer to my face becuase i can feel a little bit of the breeze my hands make as i am rapidly clap.
it is safe to say that during the service random children will end up on your lap. 
There are just so many things that make these services unique. at first i was not fond of this kind of church at all but it is growing on me. i am learning that God speaks in all different kind of ways… and i really admire the passion these people have for their God and savior.
it is safe to say that i can sit through a 6 hour church service until 1 in the morning and only understand probably one percent of what was being said and still feel the presence of God in the place. i am actually pretty proud of myself for this! it is hard to do but on this trip i have realised that God will give you peace and joy if you just ask. 

One response to “Church in Nica”

  1. Dearest Emma,

    We surely miss you! However, we know that what you an your group is doing is pleasing to our Lord.
    The weather here is delightful. The trees are almost finished with showing their brilliant colors and I will soon be busy using a blower and a vacuum to pick them up.
    Joan took Rodney to his meeting at church on Wednesday. Last Saturday he spent the night here and went to church with us. Rose seems to like her job and your home looks great. She has cleaned everything and swept the front steps and walk.
    Appreciate you keeping us informed as to how and what you are accomplishing. Please keep it up!!
    Love and God bless,
    Grandma & Grandpa